Archive for Loss Weight


How Stars Get In Shape

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742957_christmas_cookies742957_christmas_cookiesThanksgiving is the kick-off to the holidays.

That means 5 weeks of temptations and indulgence then frantic panic about the weight gained and stress about how to lose weight again.

742957_christmas_cookies742957_christmas_cookiesThis year, make it your holiday challenge to lose any leftover holiday weight gain from last year instead of adding more weight. Start by avoiding these holiday weight-gain pitfalls:
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Let it go for a new beginning

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ballonThe truth!

Changing your mind, your body, your habits, even your eating habits, depends on one thing: letting go.

We remain attached to the familiar––good or bad.

Changing diet behavior is difficult. But the nutritional advise, support and coaching can work. Studies have shown that individuals keep their weight off, continue improving with the right professional support.

Whether to excess wait, unworkable relationships, or old ideas of our self, holding on gets us into trouble. Getting stuck in the same foods, the same routines, the same bad job over and over holds us back. Read More→

Categories : Motivation
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To live younger longer? Possible? Yes, but does it need surgery? An oxygen tank?

Are you wondering what else can be done besides Botox, liposuction and acid facial peels? What are the alternatives? What can you do at home right now? The shows are interviews and conversations about how to naturally look and feel younger longer 5, 10 or even 15 years.

Check it out and click the video below.


In addition to my advice experts from around the world will be interviewed.

Here are some examples that you will learn:

*Activities: Longevity tests for activities. Which one keeps you younger longer: Pilates, Yoga, Strength or Cardio training?

*Carcinogens and free radicals: How do they age us? Discover skin masks from around the world for the bodies wrinkle cure.

*Sex: Sex at 45+; the highpoint of experience. How to spice it up with toys, clothing, and positions

Will these techniques and secrets work? Members of my audience who will apply the techniques and secrets will be followed-up to see how these “Younger Longer” methods are working!

Vote for me!

And stay focused as always.


Your Weight Loss Youngevity Coach

To sign up for your FREE weight loss updates and solutions go to

There’s a difference common to individuals who fail to lose weight and keep it off long term. It’s called all-or-nothing thinking. Do you recognize any (or all) of the following?

  • · Hunger is bad; being full (often overly full) is good.


  • · I’m good if I follow my diet and bad if I make one mistake


  • · My eating week was good or bad even if I just struggle one day or several minutes a day


  • · If I’m losing weight, I’m fully in control; if I’m not, I’m totally out of control.

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Categories : Motivation, Nutrition
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Dried vs. Fresh Fruit

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Sweet, sweeter and sweetest.

Today, more and more companies are packaging and inducing consumers to buy their dried fruit products. And more and more dried foods are showing up on food logs.

Just about any fruit can be dried, but some are more commonly eaten in their dried form than others. There are many advantages to dried food. Read More→

Categories : Cooking, Nutrition
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Kale – A Nutritional Powerhouse

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Kale - Eat it it for natural weight loss

If there was be one food that could protect you from disease, enhance your detoxification process as well as improve your metabolism. Then wouldn’t you like to know what it is?

You might have guessed blueberries. Nope. Read More→

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I am thrilled and pleased to announce the winner of the “Look Younger” contest and update you on other exiting happenings.

 “How to look younger naturally” Survey: And the Winner is….

Thank you for all participating in the survey “How to look younger naturally. I received fifty-five questions, and every one was a winner in Read More→

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Goal: To Look Younger Naturally

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Ever looked in the mirror and wished that you looked younger? A wrinkle there, a midsection that can’t  belong to you or a body tone that can no longer pass for  a 20 or a 30 year old?

Do you need Botox? Surgery? Liposuction? A skilled dermatologist? Or are there other strategies that you can do right now to make you Look Younger Naturally?

Science is uncovering the molecular mechanisms behind living longer and looking younger Read More→

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Why are you gaining weight again?

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Remember January when the motivation to lose weight was high? It is clear that you could succeed as you lost the first 10 to 15 lbs. Then you get comfortable and you start gaining slowly all back. Frustrating isn’t it? And the stats prove this phenomenon relapse and weight gain. Just consider:

80 percent of all individuals who lose weight gained the pounds lost and even a little more within 3 to 5 years, according to a study from Oxford University published in the International Journal of Obesity. Read More→

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