Archive for Easy weight loss


Do You Commit?

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You might find yourself in the following situation:

  • Inactive and can’t stop eating
  • Emerged in your profession and can’t get away from work, even when you are at home
  • Or the opposite – when you are done with work, you just go home and relax and watch TV



You might have abandoned your commitments to improve your lifestyle to achieve better health and performance.


To help you to get on track, I will share a solution with you to recommit to your commitments. Read on!

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How to Achieve your Goals?

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If you are like most people, you have goals for this year that are more ambitious than what you accomplished last year.  Almost everyone (at least the readers of this blog) wanted to get better.


All too often we set goals without having a plan to achieve them. And without a plan a goal is merely a dream. It is nice to think about and makes you feel good. But that is about it. In less than 37 minutes I can show you how to turn a dream into a goal.


First set aside just 37 minutes to work through this simple step-by-step process.

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Dried vs. Fresh Fruit

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Sweet, sweeter and sweetest.

Today, more and more companies are packaging and inducing consumers to buy their dried fruit products. And more and more dried foods are showing up on food logs.

Just about any fruit can be dried, but some are more commonly eaten in their dried form than others. There are many advantages to dried food. Read More→

Categories : Cooking, Nutrition
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Kale – A Nutritional Powerhouse

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Kale - Eat it it for natural weight loss

If there was be one food that could protect you from disease, enhance your detoxification process as well as improve your metabolism. Then wouldn’t you like to know what it is?

You might have guessed blueberries. Nope. Read More→

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In a weight loss program calories are important. But a calorie is not a calorie. For example, let’s compare calories from white bread vs. oatmeal, both of which are starchy carbohydrates and contain 4 calories per gram respectively.

However, when you eat white bread, which is stripped of its nutrients such as fiber, minerals and vitamins, you are not taking in essential ingredients that help your body run its metabolic system efficiently.  Conversely, quality calories, from foods like oatmeal, that are not processed, and are not taxing to your system, help you to maintain your metabolism and to then lose excess weight. 

What prompted me to share an e-mail with you today was a question I recently received in my mailbox from Vikki, who has lost 20 pounds since starting the program January 2010. Read More→

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Why are you gaining weight again?

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Remember January when the motivation to lose weight was high? It is clear that you could succeed as you lost the first 10 to 15 lbs. Then you get comfortable and you start gaining slowly all back. Frustrating isn’t it? And the stats prove this phenomenon relapse and weight gain. Just consider:

80 percent of all individuals who lose weight gained the pounds lost and even a little more within 3 to 5 years, according to a study from Oxford University published in the International Journal of Obesity. Read More→

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Today I have tips for you. Tips that you can use right now to get started in moving in the direction of better health, less weight, a toned and in-shape body, and a positive attitude.

Tip one:
Create an Read More→

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Inspiration for motivation

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The going can get rough. You have gone through the holidays, the New Year’s celebrations and suddenly, when you look in the mirror, you see a new you.

One pound, the second pound and suddenly twenty pounds have been gained. How did it happen? From one day to the next?

Individuals have various acceptance levels Read More→

Categories : Motivation
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Relax – Just do it!

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“How to stay young” is on the minds of many these days as we are starting to age. Do we need creams or Botox? Surgery or supplementation?

Sure, all of them can help and support. Yet, those are all external cover-ups. Real youth in older Read More→

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Dr. Nicholas Perricone, M.D, and Lester Packer, Ph.D. Director of the Packer Lab, University of California at Berkeley, discovered and researched this amazing ingredient. And even before that it was available for many treatments in the US, it was very successful in Europe.

Are you interested yet? Here’s more: The ingredient proved effective in treating wrinkles, slowing down aging process on a cellular level, reversing cataracts (a cloudy or opaque covering that grows over the lens of the eye), preventing stroke, preventing heart disease, controlling diabetes, enhancing Read More→

Categories : Nutrition
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