Archive for Nutrition


How Stars Get In Shape

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742957_christmas_cookies742957_christmas_cookiesThanksgiving is the kick-off to the holidays.

That means 5 weeks of temptations and indulgence then frantic panic about the weight gained and stress about how to lose weight again.

742957_christmas_cookies742957_christmas_cookiesThis year, make it your holiday challenge to lose any leftover holiday weight gain from last year instead of adding more weight. Start by avoiding these holiday weight-gain pitfalls:
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Let it go for a new beginning

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ballonThe truth!

Changing your mind, your body, your habits, even your eating habits, depends on one thing: letting go.

We remain attached to the familiar––good or bad.

Changing diet behavior is difficult. But the nutritional advise, support and coaching can work. Studies have shown that individuals keep their weight off, continue improving with the right professional support.

Whether to excess wait, unworkable relationships, or old ideas of our self, holding on gets us into trouble. Getting stuck in the same foods, the same routines, the same bad job over and over holds us back. Read More→

Categories : Motivation
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tomatoWhy does a tomato, eaten in Europe, taste so special that you’re still talking about it a week later? Why doesn’t an American tomato (even an organic one) not compare?

Organic food in the States has become mainstream. The Department of Agriculture sets the standards for which items can wear the coveted green and white USDA Organic label. Yet, as usual, there is always some wiggle room.

Did you know that a food wearing the USDA organic label can contain up to 5% ingredient non-organic material? Also foods that have 70% organic ingredients can indicate that they are “Made with Organic Ingredients” but cannot carry the organic label. (But do you remember to look for that label? Or are you carried away by the proclamation of “organic?” All of this is very beneficial for the major market distributors. Read More→

Categories : Nutrition
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food-clock1Some people will tell you to do crazy things to lose weight, such as cutting out all carbohydrates, eating only cabbage for 2 weeks or following a complicated regiment of foods and pills. I am not one of those people who will tell you to do crazy things like that. I will keep it always very simple so that you can implement the advice easily. And see results quickly.

Today, I want to share a simple strategy that I advised a client; by the way, she experienced great success. It helped her to lose 55lbs. And it is as simple as shifting your calories.

When do you eat the most during the day? From food logs analyzed over more then 10 + years I see that the most calories are consumed at dinner. Relaxing, finally being able to sit down, having a drink adds the most calories. Read More→

Categories : Nutrition
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longevity-3You lost the first 25 lbs and have another 25 lbs to go. Now, your mind is full of questions: How do I keep it off? Can I keep it off? How can I lose the next 5 lbs? How quickly can I lose the next 40 lbs? And how do I keep it off successfully, long-term?

I grew up in a little Austrian village with 20 houses and 3 farms in the Alps. So it’s natural that I look at weight loss from the Alpine prospective. Where I grew up, it was common for individuals in their 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s to move and  to live life as if they were in their late 30’s. To this background, I added multiple certifications in fitness, a culinary arts degree and a Masters in Nutrition. Here are my 5 tips for long-term weight loss success. Read More→

Categories : Motivation
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What do you prefer?

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(Read to the end of this blog and win)

When it comes to weight loss, longevity and/or a youngevity program half of the battle is getting
started. The other part is to stay on a program.

That’s why I have created the “Look, Learn, Do” Newsletters that correlate with the 14-day
nutritional and exercise programs.

The weight loss updates and solutions Read More→

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obese_13778tIt is really difficult to motivate people to do something that they don’t want to do. Really! We all know we “should” maintain our weight, (or lose weight, if necessary) work out regularly and focus on nutrition. But why isn’t that so?

Health and time are really gifts that we need to appreciate. The rest of life is just an outcome of our productivity and our capability. When we feel energized, have confidence and feel secure in who we are, we push to new levels of personal achievement. The well-known check list as I refer to it: Financial success, a nice apartment, nice clothing and a special car. We all have our own lists.

But all too often, we take the gift of health for granted.  When we feel well, the last thing we focus on is health. Ironically, the only thing that really matters when you’ve lost health is to get it back.   Yet how many people do you know go beyond the basics and cherish the gift of health to reach an abundance of energy, a lean defined body and maintain this till older age? Look at the general population and you will have your answer. Read More→

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Staying Turned On

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903839_fitnessHave you started a nutrition and/or a fitness program? Great! Your intention has moved you in the right direction. Yet once again, you are not staying turned on enough by the program and you are about to quit.
I will now tell you the truth as to why you don’t stay on the program in order to accomplish what you dreamed of.  And please accept my apologies upfront if I offend you.

Reason number 1: Talking about it sounds better then actually doing it.

Sometimes I hear: “I will do anything that you say when you accept me as a client.” I am saying to myself:”Let’s see.” Although I say from the beginning that my program has 99.7% success rate, participation is required. If you don’t participate, it won’t happen.

Solution: Talk about the actions you have actually done today instead of what you are going to do.

Reason number 2:  You are a quitter. Read More→

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empty-plateWhat do you eat for lunch and energy? Definitely, light. All right, no light bulbs, obviously (I got this response on Twitter, you can follow me there as well.).

In the summer, we often feel sluggish and tiered during the day. Add on the extremes of temperature, smells and heat radiating from buildings and the disaster — a slow-down in function–is almost perfect. (Not in a good way!)

Therefore, lunch becomes a critical point. Can you take some needed energy into your system that doesn’t make you tired, drag you down or make you sleepy?

You might think about eating some lean protein. But here are the facts: Protein takes longer to digest than fruits. Fruits contain simple carbohydrates that contain vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Don’t mistake it with simple carbohydrates such as white sugar. Fruits are digested in the stomach for 30 minutes before they move into the duodenum. The breakdown of protein into amino acids takes longer as there are more chemical processes involved. In the duodenum, long chain polypeptides are reduced to short chain polypeptides, tripeptides, and dipeptidases. They are absorbed across the gut wall into the portal vein to transport the amino acids to the liver, the principal site of protein metabolism.

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Categories : Nutrition
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