Archive for Natural Weight Loss

This is the month of personal improvement.


This month is your month to focus on setting goals, to improve your diet, and to start an exercise program.


However, these tasks can be overwhelming.  Where should you start? What should you do first? Should you do everything at the same time? For an optimum outcome, it is recommended that you start all three at once – but keep it simple!


Let us start by bringing the focus on the next 30 to 42 days.

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How to Achieve your Goals?

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If you are like most people, you have goals for this year that are more ambitious than what you accomplished last year.  Almost everyone (at least the readers of this blog) wanted to get better.


All too often we set goals without having a plan to achieve them. And without a plan a goal is merely a dream. It is nice to think about and makes you feel good. But that is about it. In less than 37 minutes I can show you how to turn a dream into a goal.


First set aside just 37 minutes to work through this simple step-by-step process.

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We can sometimes neglect to appreciate our feet and realize how important they are.

Think about it − our feet move us from one place to the next, whether by walking, running, or sprinting. We stand in line or in place at social events, and our feet can even help us earn a living by taking us where we need to go.

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However, wear and tear can take its toll on our feet. During our 40s and 50s (and sometimes even before), our feet begin to look nothing like they did when we were children; functional restriction comes as a result of not only neglecting our muscles and tendons but also through incorrect shoe wear.



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Are you a victim of stress? Check out this video and share a comment below.




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Eat right and exercise.


Yeah, it is really that simple.


Wait a minute!


If it were that simple, why isn’t everybody doing it—and losing weight? And how come if you ask 10 experts, each is going to give you a different answer?


We do have a lot of information available. Then add infomercials, companies who make money by selling you a product, exercise gadgets, or the miracle pill or food that helps you to burn fat. I am sure you have heard about green tea, acqui berries, or dark chocolate that supposedly burn fat for you. It’s a noisy jungle out there.

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How Stars Get In Shape

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Good Habits Bad Habits

Clearly, we have an obesity problem. Not just in America, but in many other countries as well.

Honestly, I don’t think that we have a weight loss problem. Rather, I propose that we have a habitual problem with our actions.

A study from Oxford University published in the International Journal of Obesity confirms that within 3 to 5 years, about 80 percent of all ‘losers’ have regained the lbs, and often gained back a little extra. Read closely and you discover that what happens is that individuals get back to the habits they have had in the first place; the ones that caused the problems to begin with. Read More→

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“Fat underwear.” What???

This is a new term for 2012 and you’ll know it when you feel really fat, can’t breathe properly and your lower back hurts.

This is the time of the year where even the “hate to the gym” folks think about hitting the gym to get rid of their fat underwear.

Many are still hanging onto food from last year. To prove the point, try on pants that fit comfortably last October. (And please no stretchy fabric that accommodates those extra pounds!) How do they fit? Read More→

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Quick Natural Weight Loss Tip

Quick Natural Weight Loss Tip

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742957_christmas_cookies742957_christmas_cookiesThanksgiving is the kick-off to the holidays.

That means 5 weeks of temptations and indulgence then frantic panic about the weight gained and stress about how to lose weight again.

742957_christmas_cookies742957_christmas_cookiesThis year, make it your holiday challenge to lose any leftover holiday weight gain from last year instead of adding more weight. Start by avoiding these holiday weight-gain pitfalls:
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