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Keeping up with your weight loss, fat loss, and weight maintenance programs can be tedious and boring. However, scientific journals and experts in the weight loss and fat loss industry support the advice that follows for sticking with your weight loss and maintenance goals.


Some of these data come from obesity research from the University of Surrey, from summaries and reviews of 152 studies. This tutorial serves as a translation of these studies into concise lessons that you can implement into your weight loss and maintenance program.


These strategies, as applied below, will help you lose fat, lose weight, and keep it off for good (strategies are not ranked in the order of importance). Read More→

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Weight loss plateaus can be frustrating, and can even make you a little crazy.


Typically, a plateau happens when you get down to that last 10 lbs, or when you drop a lost of weight and you hit the “good” body fat category.  This might not be enough and you still want to get further and move even lower, from the “fitness” region for body fat in to the “athletic” region for body fat.


So how do I lose that last 10 lbs?

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Are you a victim of stress? Check out this video and share a comment below.




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Eat right and exercise.


Yeah, it is really that simple.


Wait a minute!


If it were that simple, why isn’t everybody doing it—and losing weight? And how come if you ask 10 experts, each is going to give you a different answer?


We do have a lot of information available. Then add infomercials, companies who make money by selling you a product, exercise gadgets, or the miracle pill or food that helps you to burn fat. I am sure you have heard about green tea, acqui berries, or dark chocolate that supposedly burn fat for you. It’s a noisy jungle out there.

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Weight Loss ChallengeAccording to a study from Oxford University, 80% of all losers regained the lost pounds within three to five years. That means lots of people have lost but not many have kept it off.


Honestly, we really don’t have a weight loss problem, we have a weight-relapse problem.


Here are the eight reasons why you fall off the wagon:

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How Stars Get In Shape

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The Best Workout For You

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Everyone is different when it comes to fitness.

What works for one person might not work for another.

When it comes to body shape, energy level, daily schedules, and physical ability, we all need a personalized fitness routine.

What should we keep in mind when planning our own fitness routines?

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Good Habits Bad Habits

Clearly, we have an obesity problem. Not just in America, but in many other countries as well.

Honestly, I don’t think that we have a weight loss problem. Rather, I propose that we have a habitual problem with our actions.

A study from Oxford University published in the International Journal of Obesity confirms that within 3 to 5 years, about 80 percent of all ‘losers’ have regained the lbs, and often gained back a little extra. Read closely and you discover that what happens is that individuals get back to the habits they have had in the first place; the ones that caused the problems to begin with. Read More→

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Giant Kohlrabi

Daylight Savings started this Sunday!

Do you like spring and do you like savings? I do, particularly when it comes to food and natural fat and weight loss.


This week, I am going to share with you how you can shed some lbs with caloric cutbacks, eat more  and not to feel hungry—all at the same time. When you are dieting and your goal is to create a natural caloric deficit, this is tricky.

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I have one fat burning, metabolism-friendly tip for you today that should be in your bag of tricks in your quest to gain a strong, defined and vibrant body.


If your goal is to burn fat, lose weight and maintain a strong defined body for life, then you need the info in this newsletter. Here, you’ll read about the one thing you should NEVER, EVER, (and I MEAN NEVER) be without, so stay tuned.


The biggest debate for weight loss is the question: Do I use cardio or strength training for weight loss? Read More→

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