Reset your liver’s clock to run younger for fat loss
ByTurning the clock back to feel, look and be younger. Is it really possible or is it all hype?
This is what I can tell you….
A healthy liver makes living younger easier.
And based on scientific research from Europe and the United States, there are strategies you can implement to rejuvenate your liver for fat loss, starting today–not tomorrow.
The liver’s day job for your metabolism
Fat metabolism is one of key functions of the liver. Fats are broken down into fatty acids and triglycerides.
The organ is also the major site for converting carbohydrates and proteins Into their absorbable components. Any excess protein, carbs and fat is exported and stored in the adipose tissue.
The liver’s job is also to filter the blood that comes from the digestive tract, before it is passed on to the rest of the body. In other words, before your body can have access to the nutrients on a cellular level,, the blood will need to pass through the liver.
During this processes the liver detoxifies and gets rid of harmful by-products and chemicals. It metabolizes drugs as well.
It keeps the blood sparkling clean and ready for utilization.
Then, have you heard about bile? If not, read on. Bile is the liquid that breaks down fats in the small intestine during digestion.
Bile is a greenish liquid that helps us to keep our cholesterol in check by breaking it down. Bile is produced by the liver. It secretes bile to the gallbladder, where it is stored until it ends up back in the intestines.
How your liver becomes inefficient
There are substances and situation that make the liver’s productivity less efficient. These include:
1) Medication
2) Diet
3) Dysfunctional family relations
Let’s start with medication.
Over the counter medications are taken by many individuals for managing chronic diseases and conditions.
Medication is metabolized in the liver. Some medications are toxic and can take a toll on the liver. Try to limit this possibility. Read the label carefully to find out the side effects of any medication you currently take.
And how about your diet?
An unbalanced diet—too much protein coupled with restricted carbohydrate consumption–may have damaging effects on your health.
The excessive amounts of protein, as some popular diets encourage, overtaxes the liver by placing an extra burden of its work-load, according to a Mayo Clinic nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky.
Alcohol does take a number on your liver as well. Ok, in small doses, as other foods, alcohol is safe. But long-term alcohol abuse will damage your liver.
And how do emotions hurt your liver’s productivity?
Jean Pierre Barral, D.O, author of “Understanding The Messages Of Your Body” writes that the liver is the main organ representing our inner being and the “1” self. Troubled family time can sends its pain on to an organ. Usually, it’s the weakest link.
The liver is the recipient of family guilt and the concerns of our deeper self, he says. This creates stress. Researchers are not sure about the exact mechanisms but stress encourages the body to produce more energy in the form of fatty acids and glucose.
This is taxing to your liver. When stressed, the liver has a lowered ability to rid itself of excess cholesterol.
Stress also triggers a number of inflammatory processes, which increases cholesterol production.
All these three factors slow down your liver function and ages your liver—and you.
Resetting your liver’s age clock
To keep your liver young for fat loss, there are simple strategies that you can implement. The best news—they’re all things that you eat!
Dandelion – The ultimate liver detoxifier is also known as a weed. If you have a garden, it is hated and destroyed with pesticides. Let it be. Go to the field and pick some dandelion leaves for your salad. Or go to the farmers or health food market.
Beets – Ahh, the benefits of the beets. Most of us love them or hate them. In any case, beets have a substance called betaine. Betaine encourages the liver cells to get rid of toxins. Also it helps the bile ducts and lowers inflammation. Juicing or grating into a salad works well to get this ingredient into your diet for a liver flush. For best results, eat your beets raw rather than cooked.
Fiber – Fiber helps to absorb cholesterol and bile. The more fiber you have in your diet the better, for your liver as fiber absorbs toxins in your body. Here are some ideas to increase your fiber: eat more fennel, radishes, kale, collard greens, cauliflower, green peppers, red peppers,
Lemon Juice – Bile is important for your cholesterol. Again, it breaks down fat. Lemon juice is known as a bile emulsifier among many other benefits. Clients had great success in aiding their digestion by having the juice of one lemon in water per day.
Bentonite Clay – What? Never heard of it before? Bentonite clay is one of the most versatile and inexpensive natural treatments available. It is composed of aged volcanic ash found in different parts of the world. It re-mineralizes cells and tissues, alkalizes and protects the body against radiation. In addition to cleansing the liver, colon and skin, this clay balances the bacteria in the digestive tract, improves nutrient assimilation and strengthens the immune system. Where can you get it? Look up for “Sonne 7”. How does it taste? Tasteless.
Positive attitude – A positive outlook really works to diminish depression and negativity. It can help you deal with stressful situations. Stress can be an aggravating factor that raises your level of bad cholesterol, as Barrel states. Take a breather and don’t sweat the small stuff.
Massage – Your liver needs a loving touch too. Massage it gently when you take a hot bath. Where is it located? On your right side, just below the rib cage. Use a circular motion.
The liver is a key factor when it comes to weight loss and fat loss.
If natural weight loss, youth and never ending energy is your goal, start with one strategy listed above and start implementing new ones as you go.
Prevent boredom and burn-out. Staying in shape and healthy is not a one-day project. Make it interesting. Get educated and have fun doing it.
Stay focused.
STEFAN ASCHAN M.Sc. … Make your body your business ™
Stefan Aschan, M.S., author of the Alpine Weight Loss Secrets, which teaches you how to outsmart your hormones and lose belly fat without drugs or surgeries. His approach is holistic, scientific and based on centuries of experience from those living in Alpine Environments. He is a certified strength coach, personal trainer and naturopath. Learn more about how to loss weight naturally by