How to start a fitness plan when you are 55 + years old and suffer pain from injury, osteoporosis and/or fibromyalgia?
By“Do you have videos for us 73 year olds? All the younger people believe they have the answers for us older folks, but they don’t understand much about osteoporosis and fibromyalgia effects. Do you have anything to give that is in print, etc?”
Ruth, thank you for your question. First, you are 73 years YOUNG.
Say old and you think old. Say young and you think young. Start changing your communication with yourself.
And have you noticed that it is not uncommon for individuals to easily reach 90 and 100 years old? Since you have passed the age of 73 years, your chances have dramatically increased to accomplish this.
If you have a question like Ruth’s, when suffering from pain caused by injury, or have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and/or perhaps fibromyalgia, then this is for you.
Take A Breath
Alright, you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and/or struggle with daily pain from your lower back, shoulder or hip.
First, take a breather and relax. Stress doesn’t help you. Stress causes you to take shallow chest breaths. Instead, practice diaphragmatic breathing to breathe deep into the lower lobes of your lungs for better absorption of oxygen that helps you to relax, oxygenates your body and your brain.
Yes, did you know that your brain is the organ that consumes the largest amount of oxygen? For more about best breathing techniques for weight loss and exercise, click right here.
Build Strength
Weak bones tell you that your bones don’t have stored enough calcium. Supplementation with calcium and vitamin D does help to correct this. Yet, minerals will not work without resistance training. When you work against resistance, you create osteoblasts, the cells responsible for building new bone.
To work out with resistance, first, work with gravity. Build up the movement patterns that we are designed to do just with gravity. Pulling, pushing, twisting, bending, lunging, squatting, and the walking gait are the bone-building movements to master.
When you can do these moves safely, start loading the neurological correct movement patterns with resistance, in the form of weights or elastic bands. Remember, any exercise is better than none. Do what you can.
Do Jump
Am I out of my mind? Osteoporosis and jumping? First, it depends on your diagnosis. Where do you have osteoporosis and how much bone loss has occurred? When you start building your movement patterns and start loading against resistance, you load your body with the axis of the movement. This will get you only so far because you will always receive the same resistance through out your skeleton system.
How can you accomplish non-axial resistance! And what the h*ll is “non-axial resistance”?! Jumping is non-axial resistance. Does it mean you need to jump like an athlete? No, but you need to implement a polymeric approach into your workout routine once you have built a foundation based on basic movement patterns as well as additional resistance. You can do this with your upper body and lower body. For example, little squat hops or ball throws with a soft medicine ball.
Manage Body Pain
A laugh. A smile. A look at a baby picture are all proven ways to help you manage pain and depression. Those are all strategies that can help you.
But how do you manage swelling?
Swelling is like an internal band-aid. It tells you that something is wrong. It stiffens your joint to prevent it from moving. Enzymes will be the trick to help you manage fluid build-up in the joint and surrounding tissue. Enzymes help to reduce swelling faster. Think of them as a clean-up crew for a congested pipe. They move in and clean up waste, blockage and fluid accumulation that hiders proper circulation To find strategies on how to increase your enzymes click here.
I’ve just given you 3 simple strategies that you can implement today to get past your injury, medical condition and/or chronic pain.
But I have 5 more strategies for you to help your body the natural way. These strategies are derived from the daily lifestyle habits of people living in Alpine areas. These mountainous areas are populated with individuals who move like they are 30 years old, even though they are in their late 80’s. And yes, they are the ones who pass you when you are out on a walk or hike. Learn the top 5 Power Practices right here.
Here’s to a Hot, Strong and Vibrant Body!
Stefan Aschan, M.Sc.
Your Natural Weight Loss & Youngevity Coach
P.S.: Looking to naturally lose weight? Click on the option that best describes where you need the most help
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I need a routine that I can do while I’m recovering from an injury
Stefan Aschan, M.S., author of the Alpine Weight Loss Secrets, which teaches you how to outsmart your hormones and lose belly fat without drugs or surgeries. His approach is holistic, scientific and based on centuries of experience from those living in Alpine Environments. He is a certified strength coach, personal trainer and naturopath. Learn more about how to loss weight naturally by visiting
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