Archive for look younger

obese_13778tIt is really difficult to motivate people to do something that they don’t want to do. Really! We all know we “should” maintain our weight, (or lose weight, if necessary) work out regularly and focus on nutrition. But why isn’t that so?

Health and time are really gifts that we need to appreciate. The rest of life is just an outcome of our productivity and our capability. When we feel energized, have confidence and feel secure in who we are, we push to new levels of personal achievement. The well-known check list as I refer to it: Financial success, a nice apartment, nice clothing and a special car. We all have our own lists.

But all too often, we take the gift of health for granted.  When we feel well, the last thing we focus on is health. Ironically, the only thing that really matters when you’ve lost health is to get it back.   Yet how many people do you know go beyond the basics and cherish the gift of health to reach an abundance of energy, a lean defined body and maintain this till older age? Look at the general population and you will have your answer. Read More→

Categories : Motivation
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To live younger longer? Possible? Yes, but does it need surgery? An oxygen tank?

Are you wondering what else can be done besides Botox, liposuction and acid facial peels? What are the alternatives? What can you do at home right now? The shows are interviews and conversations about how to naturally look and feel younger longer 5, 10 or even 15 years.

Check it out and click the video below.


In addition to my advice experts from around the world will be interviewed.

Here are some examples that you will learn:

*Activities: Longevity tests for activities. Which one keeps you younger longer: Pilates, Yoga, Strength or Cardio training?

*Carcinogens and free radicals: How do they age us? Discover skin masks from around the world for the bodies wrinkle cure.

*Sex: Sex at 45+; the highpoint of experience. How to spice it up with toys, clothing, and positions

Will these techniques and secrets work? Members of my audience who will apply the techniques and secrets will be followed-up to see how these “Younger Longer” methods are working!

Vote for me!

And stay focused as always.


Your Weight Loss Youngevity Coach

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Dried vs. Fresh Fruit

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Sweet, sweeter and sweetest.

Today, more and more companies are packaging and inducing consumers to buy their dried fruit products. And more and more dried foods are showing up on food logs.

Just about any fruit can be dried, but some are more commonly eaten in their dried form than others. There are many advantages to dried food. Read More→

Categories : Cooking, Nutrition
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It is obvious from the get-go that clean eating is not a scientific term. What means clean eating for one person means something else for somebody else. In today’s environment, we have many individuals who are focused on eating clean foods. Yet, what it means to eat clean foods has to be determined on an individual basis.

Still, there are general rules that apply when it comes to eating clean foods. Here are some myths and facts when it comes to clean eating: Read More→

Categories : Motivation, Nutrition
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In a weight loss program calories are important. But a calorie is not a calorie. For example, let’s compare calories from white bread vs. oatmeal, both of which are starchy carbohydrates and contain 4 calories per gram respectively.

However, when you eat white bread, which is stripped of its nutrients such as fiber, minerals and vitamins, you are not taking in essential ingredients that help your body run its metabolic system efficiently.  Conversely, quality calories, from foods like oatmeal, that are not processed, and are not taxing to your system, help you to maintain your metabolism and to then lose excess weight. 

What prompted me to share an e-mail with you today was a question I recently received in my mailbox from Vikki, who has lost 20 pounds since starting the program January 2010. Read More→

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Goal: To Look Younger Naturally

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Ever looked in the mirror and wished that you looked younger? A wrinkle there, a midsection that can’t  belong to you or a body tone that can no longer pass for  a 20 or a 30 year old?

Do you need Botox? Surgery? Liposuction? A skilled dermatologist? Or are there other strategies that you can do right now to make you Look Younger Naturally?

Science is uncovering the molecular mechanisms behind living longer and looking younger Read More→

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