Archive for Beach Body

I want you to know upfront that I am going to share information with you that has been around for centuries but sorely neglected in our modern society and pharmaceutical industry.
Okay, I think most of you would agree that you don’t nourish your body to the best of your ability on a daily basis, right?
I mean, you get so caught up in comfort, laziness, and the attitude “I am going to be all right. I just do fine. I look great. I know it all.
Newsflash: If your body isn’t where you want it to be, and if you are not feeling at ease with the clothes that you wear or what you see looking back at you in the mirror when naked, then you need to face the reality that you are not taking care of yourself.
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Health is determined by what you eat. “Let nutrition be your medicine,” Aspostolus said.
What is true then has not changed today.
From my research and on-hand materials that I used to study for my Masters in Science in holistic nutrition, and clients who successfully improved health, energy or accomplished weight loss between 10 lbs and 100 lbs, here is my list of the top 10 foods.
These foods were selected for their general health, low toxicity and nutritional value (in terms of protein, fats, carbohydrates, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals).
And what is good for your health is great for weight loss and your youngevity. Both go hand in hand.
10 best foods (and why)
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The truth is out. Most people don’t succeed.
Last week’s blog entry was a bee sting to some of you. I mean, it hurt.
Unfortunately, for some it hurt so much to face facts. They didn’t like to be reminded that they needed to take care of their body. They discontinued their subscription.
I tell it like it is without the honey and sugar: My newsletters are all about motivation, advice, strategy, education and thorough, provocative information to help you in your quest for weight loss, youngevity, and longevity.
So, down to business again. Spring and summer are just around the corner. And soon the urge to trim and shape will be on the forefront; just when the winter coats are gone.
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The beach. Relaxing for many but stressful for others.
Let’s be honest. Have you been on a beach and thought, “I wish I’d lost a few pounds,” before the bikini, Speedo or bathing trunks hugged your body? All you could do was pull in your stomach and barely breathe while walking on the beach. Not fun.
But it’s a recurring story for many of you around the world who enjoy the beach and the sun. This past week, three inquires came in regarding emergency weight loss, wanting it to happen in just 4 to 5 weeks. “Interesting,” I thought to myself, “now I seem to become the go-to guy for emergency weight loss.”
I have a few tricks up my sleeve. What do expect, having been in the industry more then 17 years, with multiple certifications in fitness, a masters in nutrition and a degree in the culinary arts?
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Too good to be true? A weight-loss aid that finally curbs your hunger through your own senses? The Internet is littered with Sensa ads. Is there finally a product that you can trust to give you desired results? Read on and let me bring the light to Sensa.
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A summer routine – Ing-ing
I am exited to share a new program with you today. You must try it and get back to me about how you did; how it worked for you. This program is called “Ing-ing.” It is a great change in your routine and it will burn your fat while Read More→