Younger-Looking Skin Now: 17 Natural Anti-Aging Tips
By Stefan AschanDare to call someone old!
I say it myself, sometimes: “Oh boy, do I look old!” Been there as well?
There are many reasons for this. One is the fact that after the age of 20, your body starts to slow: you stop growing in height, your metabolism slows down and your digestive juices do too.
The biggest factor in old-looking skin is that your digestion slows down and you don’t receive enough vitamins to nourish your skin. Many try to make up this natural occurrence and buy expensive anti-aging creams and make-up. But the solution can be much easier on so many levels.
The Truth About Our Inner Make Up
Here are some facts:
As we age, our digestive juices slow down. Smaller amounts are produced. The saliva glands produce less saliva with a lower concentration. The stomach produces less gastric juice from age twenty.
Inflammations of the mucus lining occur and fewer nutrients are absorbed. Those in particular are iron and vitamin B, both of which we need for our energy production and our immune system that heals and rejuvenates our skin.
The liver, the main site of fat utilization, produces fewer enzymes that help to break down the fat.
And the pancreas, which produces and secretes\ digestive enzymes such as amylase, protease and lipase show age-related fatigue as well.
In addition, muscles of the whole system grow weaker.
The lining of the intestines, which I call our “inner skin,” grows thinner. The intestines themselves grow less resilient and elastic. Small pouches called diverticulae may balloon out from the colon because of this. In some people, those small pouches become inflamed and infected, causing pain. Have you seen a person who is in pain with issues such as those? It adds 5 years on right there.
The functioning of your inner skin becomes weaker as the movement through the colon becomes less efficient. The food will take longer to work itself through the digestive track. This helps the body to absorb more water from the feces. This increases the chance to dry out the feces…producing constipation. But this also keeps the “left overs” longer in the system which supposed to work through one cycle at least every 24 hours. Gray-looking skin can result.
Strategies to improve the aging inner and outer skin
Herbs can solve many common colon and digestive problems. Please always check in with your health care practitioner before you start to take any herbs or supplements. Once you get an okay, here are some strategies for common digestive problems:
- Irritated or inflamed tissue: Demulcent herbs. Those herbs soothe and form a protective film over the mucous lining. It reduces muscle spasms that cause colic. Herbs to use: Comfrey root, marshmallow root, slipper elm, licorice and Irish moss.
- Stimulation of digestive juices: Bitter herbs. These are simply herbs that have a bitter taste to them. They trigger a response to increase appetite but also the flow of digestive juices. Best taken before a meal. Herbs to use: Yarrow, gentian, agrimony, goldenseal and wormwood.
- Binding action: Astringent herbs. These herbs have a binding action on mucous membranes due to chemicals called tannins. Through this action, they reduce irritation and inflammation by creating a barrier against infection and fluid loss. Herbs to use: Meadowsweet, oak bark, and agrimony.
- Reducing gas: Carminative herbs. Plants that are rich in aromatic oils (ones that smell good) stimulate the system to work with ease but are also soothing the gut wall, reducing any inflammation .These herbs help to remove gas from the digestive track and ease griping pain. Herbs to use: Fennel, ginger, rosemary, lavender, chamomile, peppermint and caraway.
- Directly soothe inflammation: Anti-inflammatory herbs. These herbs impact the inflammation directly, support the natural inflammatory reaction and encourage the body’s natural healing process. Herbs to use: Meadowsweet, chamomile, and lemon balm.
- Reduce spasm: Antispasmodic herbs. As the name implies, these are herbs that reduce and ease spasms on specific organs or systems. Herbs to use: Valerian, cramp bark, wild yam and chamomile.
- Stimulate bowl movement: Laxative herbs. These herbs should not be used long-term. If constipation is present, the cause needs to be found. Look at your diet as a start but also your stress levels. Herbs to use: Psyllium seed, yellow dock, dandelion root and senna.
- Aid the liver: Hepatics. The liver is the main site of fat conversion and helps to cleanse the body. These herbs tone, strengthen and help to increase the bile flow. Herbs to use: Dandelion, milk thistle, bitters, goldenseal and balmony.
- Help your nerves: Nervine. Stress is a killer. This has been said but also studies have confirmed it. Nervines are herbs that release anxiety and tension by soothing body and mind. Herbs to use: Chamomile, lavender, valerian, rosemary and mugworth.
The above herbs are some of the strategies that you can use to help to ease your digestive symptoms.
Here are some other tips and tricks to implement.
10. Eat fiber. Fiber binds and hydrates your colon. A lack of fiber is linked to many health and colon problems. Add bran, whole grain grains, vegetables and flaxseeds.
11. Eliminate foods that cause you digestive stress. When you eat a particular food that gives you pain or spasm, don’t eat it. Stay off it for about 4 weeks and reintroduce it again. See what happens. If gas is produced again, you know that this is a food that you might want to stay away from.
12. Don’t overeat. Heartburn, bloating and bowel distress are linked to overeating. A high calorie diet has shown to be linked to gallstones as well.
13. Enjoy your meal and relax. What is the rush? You want your digestive juices to be flowing in a relaxed, calm environment. And pay attention to what you eat. Such simple advice can get rid of ulcers, heartburn, indigestion and gas.
14. Reduce alcohol, caffeine and nicotine intake. These bad boys are irritants that may cause heartburn and indigestion, which can aggravate ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome.
15. Double-check your drugs. Some medications are not kind to your system. Aspirin thins your stomach lining. Antibiotics kill your friendly gut bacteria, which is necessary for a functioning digestion. Check in with your doctor about potential side effects of the medication you are taking.
16. Be leery of laxatives. Use them to relieve the symptom occasionally, but don’t use them all the time. Try not to depend on laxatives.
17. Handle your stress. Stress is the cause of many diseases. Check in with yourself and come up with strategies to reduce your stress factors.
These are simple strategies that you can implement to improve your digestive system for naturally glowing skin, experience energy in abundance and a regular bowl movement, better body tone and better digestion.
Keep in mind each body is a unique universe by itself. What works for one doesn’t mean it will work for the other universe.
Stay focused,
Stefan Aschan
For consultations regarding nutrition, weight loss, performance, menopause or personal training services please go to or call the office at 212 750 3696.
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November 11th, 2010 at
What a great resource!
January 18th, 2011 at
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January 19th, 2011 at
I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives great information -~`