Archive for Youngevity

Welcome to a New Year and a New You!
To start strong, determined and successful, I have a fantastic giveaway to get you motivated. Act now! This is only a one-time offer.
I told you about a while ago that we are launching the book, Alpine Weight Loss Secrets. I am so exited! The day is here and as a celebration, I created a special giveaway for you to help me celebrate; not just the book launch but as well my birthday January 19th. Read More→
Born that way?
They say that under the age of 30 you wear the face that you are born with. And over the age of 30, you have that face that you created.
And that may also be true about our bodies.
Just look at this generation of women, most of whom are role models for many of us.
Each of them found her own personal diet, nutrition and stress management program in order to stay active, maintain youngevity and increase longevity.
Each one is great, so we couldn’t decide how to rank them! In no particular order, here are the top 15 female celebrities with the best bodies over 40:
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It isn’t a pretty picture: We are getting older, fatter and on top of it we live longer.
Yes, it can be a disaster. But not if you have the simple knowledge that brings joy to your life, improves your quality of life, your self-image and your body on top of it.
You can take your appearance, weight loss and youngevity to another level just by applying some simple principles:
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Concerned about vitamin D? Maybe you should be. Mary sent following questions that you need to know about:
” My Dr called me today regarding the physical I just had. My vitamin D level is deficient around 24, and he said ideal, it should be 30 and above. How much Vitamin D should I be taking a day? I am taking Calcium pills as well as a multivitamin for women.”
Mary, 45 – Client of Stefan Aschan Fitness
Calcium and vitamin D work together and their proper intake should be a concern for many. There are simple rules that you can follow. But first…
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Eat less.
Boring but true.
AND easier said then done. You know you have to eat less to produce weight loss. Talk to anybody on the street and ask them: How can people lose weight?
“ Eat less! Exercise! Eat Fruits! Eat Vegetables! ….”. These are tried-and-true ways, but have they stopped working for you? Here are some not-so-common strategies that have been successfully implemented to help you lose weight, by managing your thoughts, emotions and actions.
My short list of unconventional ways to manage overeating through the coming holidays
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Dare to call someone old!
I say it myself, sometimes: “Oh boy, do I look old!” Been there as well?
There are many reasons for this. One is the fact that after the age of 20, your body starts to slow: you stop growing in height, your metabolism slows down and your digestive juices do too.
The biggest factor in old-looking skin is that your digestion slows down and you don’t receive enough vitamins to nourish your skin. Many try to make up this natural occurrence and buy expensive anti-aging creams and make-up. But the solution can be much easier on so many levels.
The Truth About Our Inner Make Up
Here are some facts:
As we age, our digestive juices slow down. Smaller amounts are produced. The saliva glands produce less saliva with a lower concentration. The stomach produces less gastric juice from age twenty.
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I couldn’t be more thrilled.
I am finally announcing the release of my upcoming book, Alpine Weight Loss Secrets – The Natural Way to Look 5, 10, Even 20 Years Younger.
If you want an effective guide that has been proven effective for natural weight loss and age loss, this is it.
Each chapter reveals secrets, strategies, information and exercises that you can do with minimal effort to get maximum results. You don’t need high-tech gadgets, gyms or any expensive yet enticing super foods.
Injured? Not a problem.
I give you strategies on how to reverse them with natural approaches and my AAE secret. No, there won’t be any injections, medication, or surgeries required. Yet, your results will be outstanding and wildly successful, as proven with my clients, who have undergone meniscus operations on both knees and who are today active and 100% pain free now. Read More→
Aging! Will I be healthy? Will I be strong? Will I be able to live independently? And how to live longer younger is still another question that arises as baby boomers get older. There are answers to these questions.
Longevity is the term that explains all these concerns under one label. It is interchangeable with the term “life expectancy.” And how about youngevity? Stefan, are you crazy, what is this? Ok, ok, let me explain. Youngevity is my term to explain how young you will stay, act and look even in older age. Can this be done?
Longevity is easier to accomplish. Simply by going for check-ups and adjusting nutritional intake, you can probably increase your longevity. Also you can calculate your expected longevity with those calculators:
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