Archive for Wrinkly Skin

anti-ageDare to call someone old!

I say it myself, sometimes: “Oh boy, do I look old!” Been there as well?

There are many reasons for this. One is the fact that after the age of 20, your body starts to slow: you stop growing in height, your metabolism slows down and your digestive juices do too.

The biggest factor in old-looking skin is that your digestion slows down and you don’t receive enough vitamins to nourish your skin. Many try to make up this natural occurrence and buy expensive anti-aging creams and make-up. But the solution can be much easier on so many levels.

The Truth About Our Inner Make Up

Here are some facts:

As we age, our digestive juices slow down. Smaller amounts are produced. The saliva glands produce less saliva with a lower concentration. The stomach produces less gastric juice from age twenty.

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