Archive for Loss 30 lbs


Eat right and exercise.


Yeah, it is really that simple.


Wait a minute!


If it were that simple, why isn’t everybody doing it—and losing weight? And how come if you ask 10 experts, each is going to give you a different answer?


We do have a lot of information available. Then add infomercials, companies who make money by selling you a product, exercise gadgets, or the miracle pill or food that helps you to burn fat. I am sure you have heard about green tea, acqui berries, or dark chocolate that supposedly burn fat for you. It’s a noisy jungle out there.

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Good Habits Bad Habits

Clearly, we have an obesity problem. Not just in America, but in many other countries as well.

Honestly, I don’t think that we have a weight loss problem. Rather, I propose that we have a habitual problem with our actions.

A study from Oxford University published in the International Journal of Obesity confirms that within 3 to 5 years, about 80 percent of all ‘losers’ have regained the lbs, and often gained back a little extra. Read closely and you discover that what happens is that individuals get back to the habits they have had in the first place; the ones that caused the problems to begin with. Read More→

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maleweightlossName: Kevin M.

Age: 57

Lbs lost: 18 lbs since 09/12/2011 (8 weeks) (till 11/10/2011)

Body fat %: From 37.60% to 31.00 %

Waist circumference:
47.50 inches to 43.50 inches

Hip circumference: 46.00 inches to 43.50 inches

Kevin shares his secret tips that keep him going on his natural weight loss plan.

Here’s what helped him shed his first 18 lbs in just 8 weeks: Read More→

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Cheatsheet: How to lose 20 + lbs

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20-lbs weight lossTo lose weight naturally, you don’t need to count calories. Instead, I recommend that you learn about foods that keep you fuller longer and discover foods that you can eat more of while still losing weight. This is my approach that I outline in my book, Alpine Weight Loss Secrets.

But if your goal is to lose the last 5, 10 or even 30 lbs by a certain date, then you need to change your approach and put mathematical science behind your efforts.

6 Steps to empowering definition – for Men and Women alike.

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