Archive for Diets that work
The 17 Rules for Conquering “Fat Underwear”
Posted by: | CommentsThis is a new term for 2012 and you’ll know it when you feel really fat, can’t breathe properly and your lower back hurts.
This is the time of the year where even the “hate to the gym” folks think about hitting the gym to get rid of their fat underwear.
Many are still hanging onto food from last year. To prove the point, try on pants that fit comfortably last October. (And please no stretchy fabric that accommodates those extra pounds!) How do they fit? Read More→
My Fitness Predictions for 2012
Posted by: | CommentsFitness predictions for natural weight loss are always fun to do.
By working in NYC there is a requirement to stay on the ball (Can you do this?) to stay current with the latest scientific developments in the health, wellness and fitness industry.
Here are my futuristic, smart, fitness predictions for what will appear on the radar for the upcoming year:
Integrative Movement Fitness
One big word, but what does it mean?
My Favorit Fitness Tip and Toy featured in MORE
Posted by: | CommentsKevin’s Natural Weight Loss Success: “What worked for me!”
Posted by: | CommentsName: Kevin M.
Age: 57
Lbs lost: 18 lbs since 09/12/2011 (8 weeks) (till 11/10/2011)
Body fat %: From 37.60% to 31.00 %
Waist circumference: 47.50 inches to 43.50 inches
Hip circumference: 46.00 inches to 43.50 inches
Kevin shares his secret tips that keep him going on his natural weight loss plan.
Here’s what helped him shed his first 18 lbs in just 8 weeks: Read More→
This study shows why it is so hard to keep weight off – Not fit to be tried!
Posted by: | CommentsSometimes, what gets reported as research can brain wash you. Here is a recent example:
The Journal of New England published a study that looked into why it is so hard to keep weight off. The New York Times picked it up and interviewed so-called “experts” regarding the findings of this article.
Weight loss is not hard – If you do it right
The study enrolled 50 overweight individuals who were placed on a 10-week weight loss plan with a very low energy diet. In fact, dieters were allowed only 500 to 550 calories per day.
How much food is that? Here is a sample menu: Read More→
Abs in or Abs out?
Posted by: | CommentsIn or out?
“If I pull them in, I feel stable but I can’t maintain this activation. And when I pick up weights, should I maintain the activation throughout?”
Today, I’m hearing a lot of confusion regarding the proper use of abdominals, especially during resistance training.
Let’s analyze step by step what is right and what is not so right. Read More→
Cheatsheet: How to lose 20 + lbs
Posted by: | CommentsTo lose weight naturally, you don’t need to count calories. Instead, I recommend that you learn about foods that keep you fuller longer and discover foods that you can eat more of while still losing weight. This is my approach that I outline in my book, Alpine Weight Loss Secrets.
But if your goal is to lose the last 5, 10 or even 30 lbs by a certain date, then you need to change your approach and put mathematical science behind your efforts.
6 Steps to empowering definition – for Men and Women alike.
The Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes YOU can make!
Posted by: | CommentsSuccess in a weight loss program leaves you with information that everyone can use.
First-hand, I see the strategies that work and those that are the biggest mistakes, whether you have to lose 10 lbs, 50 lbs or 100+ lbs.
Don’t reinvent what has proven to work. Just ask anyone who has lost weight and kept it off what s/he has done. Trust me, it is not the case that individuals get lucky and just hit upon the secret path for fat loss. Many have discovered it through trial and error.
The key is not just to focus on the strategies that DID work but also the strategies that DIDN’T work. I am going to share with you the top weight loss mistakes that may be holding you back from your goal: Read More→
My #1 Tip to Lose Weight With Friends Featured in MORE
Posted by: | CommentsWeight Loss: Assess your readiness to change!
Posted by: | CommentsWhether it’s in the park or on the beach, eavesdrop on conversations among women in their late 40’s and you will hear how hard it is to lose weight and in particular, to fight the growing belly bulge.
Enough said. Enough talking. Find out if you are ready to change. For each question, rate your response between 1 and 5 (1 stands for very low, 2 for low, 3 for medium, 4 for high, and 5 for very high):
a. Are you motivated to change? Read More→