
Relax – Just do it!


“How to stay young” is on the minds of many these days as we are starting to age. Do we need creams or Botox? Surgery or supplementation?

Sure, all of them can help and support. Yet, those are all external cover-ups. Real youth in older age starts internally, on the cellular level.

One of the most accessible ways to slow down the ageing process can be stress management. Managing your stress is the magic, as psychiatrists at the University of California found out. The study found that the hormonal levels between younger and older individuals are drastically different, although both of them lived in similar circumstances. Many of those studied found themselves more stressed due to  age related factors and situations.

The result? The body reacts as a basic organism, releasing more stress hormones, which disturbs the normal hormonal levels in the body. Accelerated aging is the result.

There are some simple steps to live your life feeling less pressure, more ease and relaxation: play sports, workout consistently, get sufficient sleep, enjoy regular social contact and work to moderate your expectations–not too high and not to low, either.

Make 2010 your weight loss and age loss year. Learn strategies that you can do right now by yourself with an European twist at www.theaustrianadvantage.com

Stay tuned and stay focused.


P.S.: I am exited to announce that we are accepting 3 individuals into the easy and simple weight loss 12-week program. Registration opens today and closes January 15th 2010. Check it out.

P.S.S.: Meet us at the “Adidas store event”, on the corner of Houston and Broadway in NYC, on January 10th 2010. Come by and win one of our three prizes – Strength123 DVD, Strength 123 Desktop Calendar, or one Personal Training Session.

P.S.S.S.:Sign up for your FREE weigh loss solutions at www.stefanaschan.com

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